2011년 후쿠시마 원전사고이후 북태평양의 방사능세슘 오염

2011년 후쿠시마 원전사고이후 북태평양의 방사능세슘 오염
Alternative Title
Radiocesium contamination in the North Pacific Ocean
홍기훈; 김석현; 이현미
KIOST Author(s)
Lee, Hyun Mi(이현미)
Alternative Author(s)
홍기훈; 김석현; 이현미
Publication Year
Concentrations of radiocesium had been determined inthe surface seawater and the fishery product of theseveral regions in the Pacific Ocean from 2012 to 2014after 2011 Fukushima Nuclear accident following the 11March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. 134Csoriginated from Fukushima via wind was detected up to1.10 mBq/kg in the surface seawater around Koreanpeninsula from March to June 2011. This is supported bythe analysis of air mass back trajectory and atmosphericpressure systems which the Fukushima-derivedradiocaesium had predominantly reached South Koreafrom the west by surface westerlies from 11 March to 5April however, after 6 April, air masses arrived fromJapan directly due to a high pressure system thatdeveloped in the east of Japan (Hong et al., 2012). But134Cs was not found in the fishery products caught in thesea areas around Korean peninsula from 2011 to 2013.Surface seawater were collected using six times of shipsof opportunity of R/V Araon and R/V Onnuri in thePacific Ocean from 2012 to 2014: three cruises in theSubarctic Pacific Ocean from Korea to Alaska, USAfrom 2012 to 2014 the northwest Pacific region ofKuroshio Current in June 2012, and line of Hawaii toKorea in September and October 2013, and in thecrossing line between the North Pacific Ocean and theSouth Pacific Ocean from Korea to Christchurch, NewZealand in October and November 2013. Concen Japan Earthquake. 134Csoriginated from Fukushima via wind was detected up to1.10 mBq/kg in the surface seawater around Koreanpeninsula from March to June 2011. This is supported bythe analysis of air mass back trajectory and atmosphericpressure systems which the Fukushima-derivedradiocaesium had predominantly reached South Koreafrom the west by surface westerlies from 11 March to 5April however, after 6 April, air masses arrived fromJapan directly due to a high pressure system thatdeveloped in the east of Japan (Hong et al., 2012). But134Cs was not found in the fishery products caught in thesea areas around Korean peninsula from 2011 to 2013.Surface seawater were collected using six times of shipsof opportunity of R/V Araon and R/V Onnuri in thePacific Ocean from 2012 to 2014: three cruises in theSubarctic Pacific Ocean from Korea to Alaska, USAfrom 2012 to 2014 the northwest Pacific region ofKuroshio Current in June 2012, and line of Hawaii toKorea in September and October 2013, and in thecrossing line between the North Pacific Ocean and theSouth Pacific Ocean from Korea to Christchurch, NewZealand in October and November 2013. Concen
Bibliographic Citation
ENVIRA2017, pp.52, 2017
J. Environ. Radioact.
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