식생이 존재하하거나 존재하지 않는 연안 갯벌에서 Delta-proteobacteria의 군집과 미생물 분해경로의 연관성

식생이 존재하하거나 존재하지 않는 연안 갯벌에서 Delta-proteobacteria의 군집과 미생물 분해경로의 연관성
Alternative Title
Community structure of Delta-proteobacteria associated with pathways of microbial respiration in vegetated and unvegetated intertidal mudflat
현정호; 목진숙; 조혜연; 김성한; 이정현; Joel E. Kostka
KIOST Author(s)
Kim, Sung Han(김성한)Lee, Jung Hyun(이정현)
Alternative Author(s)
김성한; 이정현
Publication Year
The objectives of this study were to relate the major pathways of anaerobic microbial respiration to molecular phylogenetic evidence in the unvegetated mudflat (UMF) and vegetated mudflat (VMF) vegetated by Suaeda japonica in the intertidal sediments in South Korea. Depth integrated C mineralization rates were 5 times higher at VMF (351mmol C m-2 d-1) in comparison to UMF (73mmol C m-2 d-1). Dissimilatory sulfate-and Fe(III) reduction accounted for 49.3% and 35.6%, respectively, of anaerobic C oxidation at UMF site, but represented 19.9% and 37.3%, respectively at VMF site. Among the clones related to dalta- proteobacteria, phylotypes affiliated with known Fe(III) or S0 reducing bacteria (Desulfuromonas/Pelobacter) were abundant in clone libraries from UMF(32.4%) and VMF(48.6%) sediments at deeper depths, whereas sequence closely related to sulfate reducers (Desulfobacterium and Desulfobulbus) were retrieved from all depths of the sediments sampled. Interestingly, a major fraction(56.2%; 18 among 32 clones) of the uncultures Desulfuromonas/Pelobacter group was observed in the rhizosphere of VMF site (VMF-5cm co). Therefore, the enhanced significance of Fe(III) reduction to C oxidation at the VMF site paralleled with the molecular phylogenetic analysis of the delta-proteobacteria.
Bibliographic Citation
10th International Wymposium on Wetland Biogeochemistry, pp.0, 2001
University of Florida, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
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