Spatial Distribution of Bacterial abundance and production in the Saemangeum area SCOPUS KCI

Spatial Distribution of Bacterial abundance and production in the Saemangeum area
Choi, D.H.; Noh, J.H.
KIOST Author(s)
Choi, Dong Han(최동한)
Alternative Author(s)
최동한; 노재훈
Publication Year
Distribution of bacterial abundance and production was investigated in seawater around Saemangeum dike 7 times during March, 2007-July, 2008. In the inner area of the dike, salinity variation was great due to river runoff from Mangyung and Dongjin Rivers and high chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations up to 124.3 μg l-1 was found. In the outer area of the dike, salinity was higher than in the inner area of the dike, and chl a was lower up to 10 times than in the inner area of the dike. Thus, the area of Saemangeum showed meso- to hypereutrophic conditions. Bacterial abundance and production ranged from 0.3 to 4.3×109 cells l-1 and from 5.2 to 570 pmol l-1 h-1 in outer area of the dike, respectively, while in the inner area of the dike bacterial abundance and production was 3 to 4 times higher (0.4-12.7×109 cells l-1 and 12.3-1309 pmol l-1 h-1, respectively) than those in the outer area. In both areas, bacterial abudance and production was highest in summer and lowest in winter. However, the variations of bacterial parameters was very large in each season. These large variations seemed to be related with the supply of organic matter. Bacterial abundance and production showed significant negative correlations with salinity in the inner area, suggesting that allochthonous organic matter input by river runoff could be an important factor in regulating the distribution of bacterial abundance and production. In addition, bacterial production also correlated positively with chl a in the inner area, suggesting that autochthonous substrate might be another regulating factor of bacterial growth in the area. These results suggest that the supply of both allochthonous organic substrates introduced by river runoff and autochthonous substrates produced by phytoplankon could be important in regulating bacterial growth and utilization of organic matter in the area. Thus, to manage water quality in the inner area of dike, it seems to be important to lower the load of both organic and inorganic nutrients from adjacent rivers.
Bibliographic Citation
Ocean and Polar Research, v.30, no.4, pp.509 - 518, 2008
Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute
abundance; bacterium; dike; growth; salinity; seawater; spatial distribution; Asia; Eurasia; Far East; Korea; North Cholla; Saemangeum; South Korea; Bacteria (microorganisms)
Abundnace; Bacteria; Production; Saemangeum; Seawater
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