마이크로네시아 연방국 축라군내 다양한 산호초 서식지에서의 일자챙산력 및 박테리아 생산력의 분포

마이크로네시아 연방국 축라군내 다양한 산호초 서식지에서의 일자챙산력 및 박테리아 생산력의 분포
Alternative Title
Distribution of primary and bacterial production for different coral reef habitats of Chuuk Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia
노재훈; 최동한; 이미진; 박흥식
KIOST Author(s)
Choi, Dong Han(최동한)Lee, Charity Mijin(이미진)Park, Heung Sik(박흥식)
Alternative Author(s)
노재훈; 최동한; 이미진; 박흥식
Publication Year
Croal Reef system is among the most productive and biologically diverse ecosystem containing diverse habitats characterized by different biological productions. During 2006-2008 annual survey, primary and bacterial productions of surface waters of three different habitats, mangroves, seagrass, and reef waters in Chuuk Lagoon have been investigated. The results showed that mean chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 0.23 to 0.28ug/L in reef waters, showing similar concentrations each year. Mean Chl a concentrationsin seagrass were similar to lagoon waters but ranged from 0.86-2.73 ug/L in mangrove area which were always higher than other two habitats. Primary production (PP) showed large spatial variations ranging 0.3-92.7 mgC/m3/hr, but temporal variations were less significant than spatial variations. In stations adjacent to mangroves, mean PP were the highest ranging 16.1-46.9 mgC/m3/hr, whereas mean PP in lagooon waters were ca. 10 times lower than mangroves. Bacterial abundance and production ranged from 0.1-4.1x10(6) cells/L and from 0.1-96.8 ugC/L/d, respectively. Based on the distribution pattern of BP/PP ratios, bacterial growths may depend mainly on the supply of organic matter produced by primary producers in lagoon whereas organic matters derived from mangroves and seagrss may be another source for bacterial growth in these habitats
Bibliographic Citation
2nd Asia Pacific Coral Reef symposium, pp.149, 2010
Ramkhamhaeng University
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