기후변화에 따른 한국의 정책적 대응: 해양신재생에너지

기후변화에 따른 한국의 정책적 대응: 해양신재생에너지
Alternative Title
New and renewable energy policy response to climate change in Korea - ocean energy
박성욱; 이미진
KIOST Author(s)
Park, Seong Wook(박성욱)Lee, Charity Mijin(이미진)
Alternative Author(s)
박성욱; 이미진
Publication Year
Human society endeavors to reduce use of fossil fuel as a response to climate change since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. Recently, the emerging practical alternative plan has been the development of new and renewable energy sources. Another reason for such development is that such development can create a new green industry and provide an opportunity to create new national growth power. Coastal State jurisdiction over ocean energy facilities, in constructing or authorizing the construction of ocean energy facilities, in the territorial sea and in international straits used for navigation as well as in archipelagic waters, should not interfere with the navigation rights. That is Coastal State can construct or authorize the construction of ocean energy facilities within the EEZ as long as such actions do not interfere with or hamper the exercise of the rights of other States in the EEZ. Coastal State has the jurisdiction over ocean energy facilities, its right is subject to the explicit recognition of the various navigational rights under the UNCLOS. The status of new and renewable energy development in Korea is at about half way comparing to USA, Japan and Germany. However, Korea has set a target on equal terms with those nations by the end of 2030. To accomplish this target, the Korean government has set an overall goal in the National Energy Bas
Bibliographic Citation
The 6th Law of the Sea Institute Annual International Conference, pp.2, 2011
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