Potential antioxidant capacities of Ethanol and Enzymatic extracts of Pylaiella littoralis collected from Federated States of Micronesia

Potential antioxidant capacities of Ethanol and Enzymatic extracts of Pylaiella littoralis collected from Federated States of Micronesia
예보람; 장지이; 권영경; 김태호; 전선미; 강도형; 오철홍; 허수진
KIOST Author(s)
Kim, Tae Ho(김태호)Kang, Do Hyung(강도형)Oh, Chul Hong(오철홍)Heo, Soo Jin(허수진)
Alternative Author(s)
예보람; 장지이; 권영경; 김태호; 전선미; 강도형; 오철홍; 허수진
Publication Year
Pylaiella littoralis was collected in the Chuuk lagoon of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). FSM has a variety of coral reef ecosystems and provides abundant marine algae because of its high biodiversity value and productivity capacity. In this study, we evaluated antioxidant activities of ethanol and enzymatic extracts of P. littoralis collected from FSM by measuring the scavenging activities on DPPH free radical, Alkyl radical, hydroxyl radical and cell viability. The enzymatic extracts were hydrolyzed to prepare water soluble extracts by using five carbohydrate degrading enzymes (AMG, Celluclast, Termamyl, Ultraflo, Viscozyme) and five proteases (Alcalase, Flavourzyme, Kojizyme, Neutrase, Protamex). As a result, the enzymatic extracts of Flavourzyme, Ultraflo, Kojizyme exhibited higher antioxidant activity in DPPH free radical and alkyl radical scavenging activity and had greater antioxidant effect then commercial antioxidants. Ethanolic extract exhibited higher antioxidant activity in Hydroxyl radical. P. littolais also showed high phenolic content around 14mg g-1 and higher cell viability around 90%. Therefore, this study suggests the P. littoralis is a good source for natural antioxidants.ty. In this study, we evaluated antioxidant activities of ethanol and enzymatic extracts of P. littoralis collected from FSM by measuring the scavenging activities on DPPH free radical, Alkyl radical, hydroxyl radical and cell viability. The enzymatic extracts were hydrolyzed to prepare water soluble extracts by using five carbohydrate degrading enzymes (AMG, Celluclast, Termamyl, Ultraflo, Viscozyme) and five proteases (Alcalase, Flavourzyme, Kojizyme, Neutrase, Protamex). As a result, the enzymatic extracts of Flavourzyme, Ultraflo, Kojizyme exhibited higher antioxidant activity in DPPH free radical and alkyl radical scavenging activity and had greater antioxidant effect then commercial antioxidants. Ethanolic extract exhibited higher antioxidant activity in Hydroxyl radical. P. littolais also showed high phenolic content around 14mg g-1 and higher cell viability around 90%. Therefore, this study suggests the P. littoralis is a good source for natural antioxidants.
Bibliographic Citation
10th international marine biotechnology conference, pp.167, 2013
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