해양산성화-한국의 기여

해양산성화-한국의 기여
Alternative Title
Ocean Acidification - Korean Efforts
이미진; 조아영
KIOST Author(s)
Lee, Charity Mijin(이미진)
Alternative Author(s)
이미진; 조아영
Publication Year
Ocean acidification is a result of rising carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere. In combination, this change relates to an enormous shift in the ocean environment. Scientists report that such changes in ocean chemistry may become a threatto ecosystem as climate change progresses. Ocean acidification became the “talk of town” in various international stages and various reports have been published, but mostly on the issues of its potential impacts and needs for more studies and collaborations. However, ocean acidification has not been yet explicitly and deeply dealt with by existing international treaties, including UNFCCC, UNCLOS, CBD, etc. Fortunately, this issue is getting a lot more international attention with more available information and awareness in recent days. Throughout this paper, efforts on ocean acidification exercised through the multilateralenvironmental agreements and conventions will be analyzed. In addition, this paperalso tries toascertain some suggestions to promote international cooperation and minimize and prepare for theadverse effects of ocean acidification from legal perspectives.o ecosystem as climate change progresses. Oceanacidification became the “talk of town” in various international stages and various reports have been published, but mostly on the issues of its potential impacts and needs for more studies andcollaborations. However, ocean acidification has not been yet explicitly and deeply dealt with byexisting international treaties, including UNFCCC, UNCLOS, CBD, etc. Fortunately, this issue is getting a lot more international attention with more available information and awareness in recent days. Throughout this paper, efforts on ocean acidification exercised through the multilateralenvironmental agreements and conventions will be analyzed. In addition, this paperalso tries toascertain some suggestions to promote international cooperation and minimize and prepare for theadverse effects of ocean acidification from legal perspectives.
Bibliographic Citation
Ocean Issues for the Pacific and East Asia, pp.4, 2016
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