중앙인도해령 열수분출공

중앙인도해령 열수분출공
Alternative Title
Water column imaging on hydrothermal vent in Central Indian Ridge
고지은; 박요섭
KIOST Author(s)
Koh, Ji Eun(고지은)Park, Yo Sup(박요섭)
Alternative Author(s)
고지은; 박요섭
Publication Year
Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) is conducting hydrothermal exploration program, called “INVENT”, which is aimed at understanding the deep sea bioshere on hydrothermal vents in Central Indian Ridge (CIR) for 5 years. The first exploration is participated 22 researchers and was carried out for 20 days from July 28 in 2017. This work is as part of the “INVENT” and aimed to investigate the capability of detection of hydrothermal vent in CIR using water column imaging with hull mounted multibeam. Water column imaging with Multi-beam echosounder systems (MBES) is recently becoming of increasing interest for oceanographic studies. Especially gas bubbles and hot water exposed from hydrothermal vents make acoustic impedance anomalies in cold seawater, water column imaging is very useful for the researchers who want to detect some kinds of hydrothermal activity.. The first exploration is participated 22 researchers and was carried out for 20 days from July 28 in 2017. This work is as part of the “INVENT” and aimed to investigate the capability of detection of hydrothermal vent in CIR using water column imaging with hull mounted multibeam. Water column imaging with Multi-beam echosounder systems (MBES) is recently becoming of increasing interest for oceanographic studies. Especially gas bubbles and hot water exposed from hydrothermal vents make acoustic impedance anomalies in cold seawater, water column imaging is very useful for the researchers who want to detect some kinds of hydrothermal activity.
Bibliographic Citation
AGU Fall Meeting, pp.1, 2017
American Geophysical Union
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