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Marine Environment Research Department (해양환경연구부)
Research Interests
Marine environmentology, Marine environmentology, Organic chemistry, 해양환경학, 화학해양학, 유기화학

Keywords Cloud



Results 1-19 of 19

KJIODP workshop, pp.113 - 116, 2009

AOGS, pp.1, 2009

AOGS, pp.1, 2009

EGU, pp.1, 2009

6th ICAMG, pp.7, 2008

ICGH, pp.103, 2008

해양과학학기술협의회, pp.252, 2008

Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Ocean Drilling, pp.117 - 120, 2007

Proc. of 9th ICP, pp.113 - 116, 2007

추계 지질학회, pp.1, 2007

Proc. of 9th ICP, pp.58, 2007

60th anniversary KGS international workshop, pp.30, 2007

기후변화 전문가 워크숍, pp.61 - 62, 2006

대한지질학회, pp.61, 2006

Interbational Symposium of IGCP-476, pp.26, 2006

동아시아 몬순진화에 대한 국제 심포지움, pp.8, 2005

5th International Conference on Asian Marine Geology, pp.105, 2004

proc. of Kor. Soc. Oceanography/Spring meeting, pp.222 - 225, 2003

한국해양연구원, 2003

