중파자외선에 대한 남극산 해조류의 광합성 및 자외선 흡수물질 형성 반응 OTHER

중파자외선에 대한 남극산 해조류의 광합성 및 자외선 흡수물질 형성 반응
Alternative Title
Photosynthesis and formation of UV-absorbing substances in Antarctic macroalgae under different levels of UV-B radiation
한태준; 박병직; 한영석; 강성호; 이상훈
Alternative Author(s)
강성호; 이상훈
Publication Year
Effects of artificial and solar UV--B radiation on five rhodophytes (Curdiearacovitzae, Gigartina skottsbergii, Mazzaella obovata, Myriogramme manginii, Palmaria decipiens) from Antarctica have been investigated using PAM fluorescence in laboratory and in the field. Laboratory studies showed that there were significant differences in the UV sensitivity between different species, and that the differencesappeared to be correlated with the depth of collection of the specimens. It was apparent from the observations that the samples such as M. manginii and P. decipiens collected from 20~30 m depths were more sensitive to UV--B radiation compared with those collected from shallower depths. The present study confirmed that an acclimation to the surrounding light regime could be an important factor to determine the UV--sensitivity of a species or individuals and that PAM measurements are rapid and non--destructive methods to evaluate UV influences. From field studies on M. manginii and P. decipiens it was observed that both plants exhibited changes in the effective quantum yield, with the minimum values at noon followed by a recovery in the evening. Photoinhibition occurred in these species could therefore be accounted for by so-- called dynamic photoinhibition. It seems likely that this protective mechanism may contribute to survival of the species in shallow water where they may encounter intense solar radiation. The presence or absence of the UV--B component under solar radiation differently affected the photosynthetic recovery process, and the rate of recovery was much slower in UV--present than in UV--absent conditions. Functional role of UV--B appears to delay the recovery of photosynthesis in the studied macroalgae. Differential sensitivity to UV--B recognised between M. manginii and P. decipiens seemed to correspond well with the amount of UV--absorbing substances (UVAS) contained in the respective species. Higher tolerance to solar radiation by the latter species
Bibliographic Citation
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology, v.20, no.3, pp.in pres - in pres, 2002
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