Threshold value of Benthic Pollution Index (BPI) for a muddy healthy benthic faunal community and its application to Jinhae Bay in the southern coast of Korea SCIE SCOPUS KCI

Cited 13 time in WEB OF SCIENCE Cited 13 time in Scopus
Threshold value of Benthic Pollution Index (BPI) for a muddy healthy benthic faunal community and its application to Jinhae Bay in the southern coast of Korea
Seo, Jin-Young; Lim, Hyun-Sig; Choi, Jin-Woo
KIOST Author(s)
Seo, Jin Young(서진영)
Alternative Author(s)
서진영; 최진우
Publication Year
For the determination of benthic community health criteria of a biotic index, Benthic Pollution Index (BPI), the faunal data on macrobenthic community of Deukryang Bay collected in 2012 were used. Each macrobenthic fauna was classified into 4 functional groups according to their feeding and life history strategies and BPI was calculated using the abundance of fauna for these functional groups. Amphipods were the dominant faunal group belonging to Functional Group (FG) II in Deukryang Bay during all seasons. The BPI value fluctuated seasonally from 55 to 61, and the overall mean value of BPI in the reference area was 60, which was estimated as the threshold value for healthy communities. We tried to use BPI as an assessment tool for macrofaunal community health status by categorizing the BPI values into 5 grades. If the BPI value of the community is more than 60, the health status of a macrobenthic community will be assessed as 'Excellent' (Grade 1) and as 'Good' (Grade 2), if between 40 and 60, as 'Fair' (Grade 3), if between 30 and 40, as 'Poor' (Grade 4), if between 20 and 30, and finally the health status of a community will be assessed as 'Very Poor' (Grade 5), if the BPI value is less than 20. This assessment tool using BPI was applied to macrobenthic communities in Jinhae Bay including the Special Management Area of South Korea. In Jinhae Bay, the FG IV containing a spionid species, Paraprionospio patiens was the most dominant group. The values of BPI in Jinhae Bay were very low and ranged from 11 to 23. The ecological health status of macrobenthic communities in Jinhae Bay was 'Very Poor' at more than 50% of sites, especially in summer.
Bibliographic Citation
OCEAN SCIENCE JOURNAL, v.49, no.3, pp.313 - 328, 2014
Benthic Pollution Index(BPI); functional group; reference site; threshold value; Deukryang Bay; Jinhae Bay; South Korea
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