Ages and magnetic structures of the South China Sea constrained by deep tow magnetic surveys and IODP Expedition 349 SCIE SCOPUS

Cited 463 time in WEB OF SCIENCE Cited 556 time in Scopus
Ages and magnetic structures of the South China Sea constrained by deep tow magnetic surveys and IODP Expedition 349
Li, Chun-Feng; Xu, Xing; Lin, Jian; Sun, Zhen; Zhu, Jian; Yao, Yongjian; Zhao, Xixi; Liu, Qingsong; Kulhanek, Denise K.; Wang, Jian; Song, Taoran; Zhao, Junfeng; Qiu, Ning; Guan, Yongxian; Zhou, Zhiyuan; Williams, Trevor; Bao, Rui; Briais, Anne; Brown, Elizabeth A.; Chen, Yifeng; Clift, Peter D.; Colwell, Frederick S.; Dadd, Kelsie A.; Ding, Weiwei; Almeida, Ivan Hernandez; Huang, Xiao-Long; Hyun, Sangmin; Jiang, Tao; Koppers, Anthony A. P.; Li, Qianyu; Liu, Chuanlian; Liu, Zhifei; Nagai, Renata H.; Peleo-Alampay, Alyssa; Su, Xin; Tejada, Maria Luisa G.; Hai Son Trinh; Yeh, Yi-Ching; Zhang, Chuanlun; Zhang, Fan; Zhang, Guo-Liang
KIOST Author(s)
Hyun, Sang Min(현상민)
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Combined analyses of deep tow magnetic anomalies and International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 349 cores show that initial seafloor spreading started around 33 Ma in the northeastern South China Sea (SCS), but varied slightly by 1-2 Myr along the northern continent-ocean boundary (COB). A southward ridge jump of approximate to 20 km occurred around 23.6 Ma in the East Subbasin; this timing also slightly varied along the ridge and was coeval to the onset of seafloor spreading in the Southwest Subbasin, which propagated for about 400 km southwestward from approximate to 23.6 to approximate to 21.5 Ma. The terminal age of seafloor spreading is approximate to 15 Ma in the East Subbasin and approximate to 16 Ma in the Southwest Subbasin. The full spreading rate in the East Subbasin varied largely from approximate to 20 to approximate to 80 km/Myr, but mostly decreased with time except for the period between approximate to 26.0 Ma and the ridge jump (approximate to 23.6 Ma), within which the rate was the fastest at approximate to 70 km/Myr on average. The spreading rates are not correlated, in most cases, to magnetic anomaly amplitudes that reflect basement magnetization contrasts. Shipboard magnetic measurements reveal at least one magnetic reversal in the top 100 m of basaltic layers, in addition to large vertical intensity variations. These complexities are caused by late-stage lava flows that are magnetized in a different polarity from the primary basaltic layer emplaced during the main phase of crustal accretion. Deep tow magnetic modeling also reveals this smearing in basement magnetizations by incorporating a contamination coefficient of 0.5, which partly alleviates the problem of assuming a magnetic blocking model of constant thickness and uniform magnetization. The primary contribution to magnetic anomalies of the SCS is not in the top 100 m of the igneous basement.
Bibliographic Citation
GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, v.15, no.12, pp.4958 - 4983, 2014
deep tow magnetic survey; magnetic anomaly; crustal evolution; modeling; International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 349; South China Sea tectonics
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