퇴적물에서 어류체내로의 DDT, DDE 이동예측과 위험평가

퇴적물에서 어류체내로의 DDT, DDE 이동예측과 위험평가
Alternative Title
Estimating transfer of DDT and DDE in fish from bottom sediment using Aquaweb model and its application to ecological and human health risk assessment of contaminated sediments
최진영; 김경련; 홍기훈; 양동범; 정창수; 김창준; 김석현
KIOST Author(s)
Choi, Jin Young(최진영)Kim, Kyoung Rean(김경련)Kim, Chang Joon(김창준)
Alternative Author(s)
최진영; 김경련; 홍기훈; 양동범; 정창수; 김창준; 김석현
Publication Year
The health risk was assessed for human population exposed to DDT and DDE by consuming fish dwelling in a contaminated aquatic environment. Aquaweb model was used to estimate the body burden of DDT and DDE in hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) and red seabream (Pagrus major) with the conceptual foodweb model. The body burden of pollutants varied depending on the fish species and the other environmental parameters. We assessed the ecological risk for these fish by calculating No-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level based Toxicity Quotient (NOAEL-TQ). The carcinogenic risk and noncarcinogenic hazard indices (HI) for human population also varied widely with environmental conditions. Better understanding on the trophic transfer of contaminants in the food web would be necessary for the construction of ecosystem model for the management of contaminated sediments. Keywords : DDT (디디티), DDE (디디이), Risk Analysis (위해도평가), Aquaweb(아쿠아웹)and red seabream (Pagrus major) with the conceptual foodweb model. The body burden of pollutants varied depending on the fish species and the other environmental parameters. We assessed the ecological risk for these fish by calculating No-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level based Toxicity Quotient (NOAEL-TQ). The carcinogenic risk and noncarcinogenic hazard indices (HI) for human population also varied widely with environmental conditions. Better understanding on the trophic transfer of contaminants in the food web would be necessary for the construction of ecosystem model for the management of contaminated sediments. Keywords : DDT (디디티), DDE (디디이), Risk Analysis (위해도평가), Aquaweb(아쿠아웹)
Bibliographic Citation
2015년 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회, pp.227 - 230, 2015
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