The morphotectonic features of non-transform discontinuity at 11°S and its hydrothermal activity, Central Indian Ridge

DC Field Value Language 박상준 - 김현섭 - Michael - 김종욱 - 최선기 - 손승규 - 문재운 - 2020-07-15T20:33:33Z - 2020-07-15T20:33:33Z - 2020-02-11 - 2016-10-10 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) has surveyed the CentralIndian Ridge (CIR) between 17˚S and 7˚S to delineate segment morphotectonics as well asto identify hydrothermal activity. We found not only 4 prominent non-transformdiscontinuities (NTDs) and 11 ocean core complexes (OCCs), but also severalhydrothermal activities within these off-axis structures. Here we report the one of thelargest NTD3-1 and the associated hydrothermalism in the region. The NTD3-1 is 44 kmin length and 10 km in width. Glass watch-shaped basin floor of the NTD is flanked by isclearly defined by 4000 m isobath. The NTD adjoins the linear escarpments that displays> 1000 m high in relief. The escarpments strike at 035°, approximately 45° oblique in aclockwise direction to the orientation of two adjoining ridge segments. The fracture zonebetween segment 3-1 and 3-2 along the off-axis is able to be traced but through-goingtrends thereof are not clear at the terrain that immediately flanks segment 3-1 to east andwest for a distance of approximately 75 km and 30 km, respectively. Low intensity inbackscatter values, a little positive magnetic anomaly and uncommon seismic activitiesover the NTD3-1 are indicative of that the basin-like NTD3-1 has been riven off byamagmatic and aseimic extension. In particular, strike-slip Centroid-Monent Tensors areremarkable in the southern tips of NTD3-1. The n-transformdiscontinuities (NTDs) and 11 ocean core complexes (OCCs), but also severalhydrothermal activities within these off-axis structures. Here we report the one of thelargest NTD3-1 and the associated hydrothermalism in the region. The NTD3-1 is 44 kmin length and 10 km in width. Glass watch-shaped basin floor of the NTD is flanked by isclearly defined by 4000 m isobath. The NTD adjoins the linear escarpments that displays> 1000 m high in relief. The escarpments strike at 035°, approximately 45° oblique in aclockwise direction to the orientation of two adjoining ridge segments. The fracture zonebetween segment 3-1 and 3-2 along the off-axis is able to be traced but through-goingtrends thereof are not clear at the terrain that immediately flanks segment 3-1 to east andwest for a distance of approximately 75 km and 30 km, respectively. Low intensity inbackscatter values, a little positive magnetic anomaly and uncommon seismic activitiesover the NTD3-1 are indicative of that the basin-like NTD3-1 has been riven off byamagmatic and aseimic extension. In particular, strike-slip Centroid-Monent Tensors areremarkable in the southern tips of NTD3-1. The -
dc.description.uri 1 -
dc.language English -
dc.publisher Underwater -
dc.relation.isPartOf Underwater mining conference 2016 -
dc.title The morphotectonic features of non-transform discontinuity at 11°S and its hydrothermal activity, Central Indian Ridge -
dc.type Conference -
dc.citation.conferencePlace US -
dc.citation.title Underwater mining conference 2016 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName 박상준 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName 김현섭 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Michael -
dc.contributor.alternativeName 김종욱 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName 최선기 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName 손승규 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName 문재운 -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation Underwater mining conference 2016 -
dc.description.journalClass 1 -
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Marine Resources & Environment Research Division > Ocean Georesources Research Department > 2. Conference Papers
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