새롭게 개발된 반분석적 모델 기반의 부유물 분석 알고리즘을 이용한 황해 해역에서의 부유물 연변동 분석

새롭게 개발된 반분석적 모델 기반의 부유물 분석 알고리즘을 이용한 황해 해역에서의 부유물 연변동 분석
Alternative Title
Interannual variation of SPM distribution on the Yellow Sea using newly developed semi-analytical model-based SPM algorithm
민지은; 유주형
KIOST Author(s)
Ryu, Joo Hyung(유주형)
Alternative Author(s)
민지은; 유주형
Publication Year
The Yellow Sea is the world-famous high turbidity waters, where is connected to the world’s third-longest river - Yangtze River. Various researches for the SPM (suspended particulate matter) concentration, coastal erosion/deposition, movement of ocean current, and water quality are performed in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Several SPM algorithms have been developed, but those algorithms showed the under-estimation problems for the highly turbid waters. So we developed new SPM algorithm to overcome the limitation of existing algorithms. Newly developed SPM algorithm was verified and compared with the other SPM algorithms develop for the Northeast Asian Sea using in-situ dataset collected on the sea area around the Korean Peninsula. The new SPM algorithm showed best correlation(r=0.77) and slope (0.99) values, and smallest error values (RMSE=29.2 g/m3, APD=3.16%, RPD=53.34%). Newly developed SPM algorithm represented the high performance on the east coastal part of the China with SPM concentration over 300 g/m3 as well as the west coastal part of Korean Peninsula with SPM concentration over 100 g/m3, contrastively low performance of the existing algorithms. High SPM values were observed in the winter and spring seasons with the northwest monsoon. Especially, the SPM values around the estuarine part of the Yangtze River and the coastal area of the Jiangsu Province represented higher than 300 g/m3. Its spatial disent of ocean current, and water quality are performed in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Several SPM algorithms have been developed, but those algorithms showed the under-estimation problems for the highly turbid waters. So we developed new SPM algorithm to overcome the limitation of existing algorithms. Newly developed SPM algorithm was verified and compared with the other SPM algorithms develop for the Northeast Asian Sea using in-situ dataset collected on the sea area around the Korean Peninsula. The new SPM algorithm showed best correlation(r=0.77) and slope (0.99) values, and smallest error values (RMSE=29.2 g/m3, APD=3.16%, RPD=53.34%). Newly developed SPM algorithm represented the high performance on the east coastal part of the China with SPM concentration over 300 g/m3 as well as the west coastal part of Korean Peninsula with SPM concentration over 100 g/m3, contrastively low performance of the existing algorithms. High SPM values were observed in the winter and spring seasons with the northwest monsoon. Especially, the SPM values around the estuarine part of the Yangtze River and the coastal area of the Jiangsu Province represented higher than 300 g/m3. Its spatial dis
Bibliographic Citation
International Ocean Colour Science Meeting 2017, pp.145, 2017
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