Beneficial Effects Of Ishophloroglucin A From Ishige okamurae On Obesity In Leptin Deficient Obese Mice

Beneficial Effects Of Ishophloroglucin A From Ishige okamurae On Obesity In Leptin Deficient Obese Mice
강나래; 김은아; 김준성; 전유진; 허수진
KIOST Author(s)
Kang, Na Lae(강나래)Kim, Eun A(김은아)Kim, Jun Seong(김준성)Heo, Soo Jin(허수진)
Alternative Author(s)
강나래; 김은아; 김준성; 허수진
Publication Year
Background Leptin resistance commonly defined by the failure of leptin signal on central nervous system is considered as the primary risk factor for the pathogenesis of overweight and obesity. This study investigated the anti-obesity effects of Ishophloroglucin A (IPA) from Ishige okamurae as a new leptin substitute. Methods IPA was orally injected to C57BL/6J-ob/ob mice, a leptin deficiency model, for 6 weeks, and leptin was intraperitoneal (IP) injected to the mice as positive control. Results In results, IPA treatment reduced the body weight and fat mass as well as food intake. Also, it reduced the total cholesterol and triglyceride level. Moreover, IPA treatment stimulated the leptin signaling pathway by acting as leptin substitute in hypothalamus of brain, and activated the insulin signaling pathway inhibited by leptin deficiency in peripheral organs including liver and muscle. Finally, IPA treatment reduced the size of visceral (VIS), subcutaneous (SQ), and periaortic (Peri) adipose tissue. Conclusions In conclusion, these results present that IPA from I. okamurae is of value as a new leptin substitute regulating leptin/insulin signaling pathway in obese status.
Bibliographic Citation
23rd International Seaweed Symposium, pp.177 - 178, 2019
The Korean Society of Phycology
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