Summmer Pattern of Phytoplankton Distribution at a Station in Jangmok Bay KCI OTHER

Summmer Pattern of Phytoplankton Distribution at a Station in Jangmok Bay
Lee, Won Je; Shin, Kyoung Soon; Jang, Pung Guk; Jang, Min Chul; Park, Nam Joo
KIOST Author(s)
Shin, Kyoung Soon(신경순)Jang, Pung Guk(장풍국)Jang, Min Chul(장민철)
Alternative Author(s)
신경순; 장풍국; 장민철
Publication Year
Daily changes in phytoplankton abundance and species composition were monitored from July to September 2003 (n=47) to understand which factors control the abundance at a station in Jangmok Bay. During the study, the phytoplankton community was mainly composed of small cell diatoms and dinoflagellates, and the dominant genera were Chaetoceros, Nitzschia, Skeletonema and Thalassionema. Phytoplankton abundance varied significantly from 6.40104 to 1.22107 cells/l. The initially high level of phytoplankton abundance was dominated by diatoms, but replacement by dinoflagellates started when the N/P ratio decreased to <5.0. On the basis of the N/P and Si/N ratios, the sampling period could be divided into two: an inorganic silicate limitation period (ISLP, 14th July-12th of August) and an inorganic nitrogen limitation period (INLP, 13th of August - the end of the study). Phosphate might not limit the growth of phytoplankton assemblages in the bay during the study period. This study suggests that phytoplankton abundance and species composition might be affected by the concentrations of inorganic nutrients (N and Si), and provides baseline information for further studies on plankton dynamics in Jangmok Bay.
Bibliographic Citation
Ocean Science Journal, v.40, no.3, pp.109 - 117, 2005
inorganic nutrients; silicate limitation; nitrogen limitation; phytoplankton
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