Impact of Heterosigma akashiwo on the environmental behavior of microplastics: Aggregation, sinking, and resuspension dynamics SCIE SCOPUS

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Impact of Heterosigma akashiwo on the environmental behavior of microplastics: Aggregation, sinking, and resuspension dynamics
Lim, Young Kyun; Chung, Hyeon Lee; Lee, Kyun Woo; Hong, Sang Hee; Baek, Seung Ho
KIOST Author(s)
Lim, Young Kyun(임영균)Chung, Hyeon Lee(이충현)Lee, Kyun Woo(이균우)Hong, Sang Hee(홍상희)Baek, Seung Ho(백승호)
Alternative Author(s)
임영균; 이충현; 이균우; 홍상희; 백승호
Publication Year
Aggregation processes of microalgae have significant effects on the vertical distribution of microplastics (MPs) in the marine environment. This study explored how the harmful microalga Heterosigma akashiwo affects the aggregation and sinking characteristics of four types of MPs: low and high-density polyethylene (PE) spheres, and small and large polypropylene (PP) fragments. The aggregation of MPs was primarily driven by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) rather than direct attachment to the cells, contributing to their sinking. The sinking of low-density PE spheres followed a logistic function, saturating at 28 % with a half-saturation time of 9 days. In contrast, small PP fragments sank minimally (under 2 %) and large PP fragments showed almost no sinking, indicating the varying impacts of MP density and size. The sinking velocity of the MP aggregates was significantly lower for low-density PE spheres (0.63 mm∙s−1) than for high-density PE spheres (0.81 mm∙s−1), despite no significant differences in aggregate size or MP particle number. This result may suggest that low-density MPs could potentially affect marine carbon cycle. Furthermore, no clear evidence was found for the resuspension of the settled aggregates due to bacterial decomposition under dark and cold conditions. As the first experimental study to explore the aggregation, sinking, and resuspension of different MPs in the presence of H. akashiwo, these findings, when integrated with field observations and modeling studies, provide valuable insights for predicting MP distribution in marine environments.
Bibliographic Citation
Journal of Hazardous Materials, v.487, 2025
Elsevier BV
Marine microplastic pollution; Harmful microalgae; Heterosigma akashiwo; Aggregation and sinking dynamics of microplastics; Environmental behavior of microplastics
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