Spatial and temporal physiochemical characteristics of the Seomjin River and Estuary, Gwangyang Bay, and Yeosu Strait on the southern coast of South Korea SCIE SCOPUS

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Spatial and temporal physiochemical characteristics of the Seomjin River and Estuary, Gwangyang Bay, and Yeosu Strait on the southern coast of South Korea
Kim, Ha Ryun; Ko, Young Ho; Yang, Dongwoo; Kim, Tae-Wook; Bae, Seongjun; KIM, YOUNG IL; Lee, Myoung Hoon; Park, Chae Un; Ryu, Ba Da; Jang, Young Suk; Moon, Hanbi; Lim, Dhong Il; Kim, Ji Hun; Kim, Ju-Hyoung; Kim, Hye Seon
KIOST Author(s)
KIM, Ha Ryun(김하련)KIM, YOUNG IL(김영일)Lee, Myoung Hoon(이명훈)Park, Chae Un(박채운)Ryu, Ba Da(류바다)Jang, Young Suk(장영석)Lim, Dhong Il(임동일)Kim, Ji Hun(김지훈)
Alternative Author(s)
김하련; 김영일; 이명훈; 박채운; 류바다; 장영석; 임동일; 김지훈
Publication Year
Coastal area has been compromised through eutrophication, seawater intrusion, heavy metal contamination, and sediment accumulation. We investigated the physicochemical properties of seawater and heavy metal concen- trations in marine sediments along the southern coast of South Korea extending from the Seomjin River and Estuary and the adjoining Gwangyang Bay into the Yeosu Strait for four months (March, May, August, and October 2019). The results indicated a relatively high salinity downstream of the Seomjin River in August and October, indicating seawater intrusion into the river from the estuary. High nutrient concentrations were observed at the mouth of Yeosu Strait and Gwangyang Bay owing to freshwater inflow, whereas a high chlo- rophyll-a (chl-a) concentration was observed in the farthest from the Seomjin Estuary in August, indicating a discrepancy between primary productivity and nutrient concentrations. This was likely due to favorable con- ditions, such as high salinity and less grazing effect (a low zooplankton population) in the Yeosu Strait, which could increase the diatom population and their primary productivity. The concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, As, and Hg) in the surface sediments were below the legal standard values stated in the Marine Sediment Quality Guidelines of Korea. However, some fish, including Scyliorhinus torazame, Sepia esculenta, and Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae, contained Hg and As above the legal standard values, requiring adequate management of Hg and As in fisheries.
Bibliographic Citation
Regional Studies in Marine Science, v.78, 2024
Elsevier BV
Physicochemical characteristics; Trace metal; Chlorophyll-a; Coasts; Fisheries; Marine sediment
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