Meiofauna community structure in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass and non-Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass SCIE SCOPUS

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Meiofauna community structure in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass and non-Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass
Jung, Min Gyu; Kim, Dong Sung; Oh, Je Hyeok; Shin, A Young; Ra, Kongtae; Oh, Chulwoong
KIOST Author(s)
Kim, Dong Sung(김동성)Oh, Je Hyeok(오제혁)Shin, A Young(신아영)Ra, Kongtae(나공태)
Alternative Author(s)
정민규; 김동성; 오제혁; 신아영; 나공태
Publication Year
This study investigated meiofaunal community structure over a large area of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea for 45 stations from 2021 to 2022. Meiofaunal densities were 34 ± 15–1610 ± 378 ind./10 cm2. Nematodes (67.3%) were the most dominant taxa, followed by benthic foraminifera (12.0%) and benthic harpacticoids (8.8%). The study was conducted in various sedimentary environments. Median grain size, water depth, and environmental characteristics (TOC, TN, Hg, Sr) were identified as influencing meiofauna community structure. The Yellow Sea and East China Sea, where this study was conducted, contain a variety of currents and the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) in the central waters. YSCWM and non-YSCWM areas differed in their meiofauna community structure. Even within the YSCWM region, we found differences in benthic community structure due to a variety of environmental factors. The meiofaunal taxon most affected by Sediment temperature was benthic foraminifera. Identifying foraminifera in paleo-oceanographic environments can indicate past expansion and contraction of YSCWM. Meiofauna have been used to monitor changes in marine ecosystems due to their sensitivity to changes in the surrounding environment. Meiofauna index (N/C ratio, MPI) were identified as appropriate for use in the study area.
Bibliographic Citation
Regional Studies in Marine Science, v.73, 2024
Elsevier BV
Meiofauna Index; Meiofauna; Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass; continental shelf; community structure; Yellow Sea
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