2. Conference Papers   목록으로 돌아가기


18th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas Meeting at Naha, pp.1, 2015

2009 AGU Fall meeting, pp.1, 2009

3rd China-Korea workshop on oceanic monitoring and development of prediction system of radionuclides for nuclear safety, pp.22, 2014

International Conference on Aquatic Science & Technology (i-CoAST) 2020, 2020

Coastal Ocean Prediction and Forecasting for the Korea Strait and the East (Japan) Sea, pp.73, 2002

제 3회 CCS Conference, pp.96, 2013

The 17th PAMS Meeting 2013, pp.559 - 564, 2013

2013 European Geoscience Union 학술대회, pp.165, 2013

EGU General Assembly 2023, 2023

Pacific Asian Marginal Seas Meeting (PAMS), pp., 2017

2017년도 춘계 한국해양학회, pp.16, 2017

Ocean Science Meeting 2020, 2020

한국해양학회 춘계학술대회, pp.6, 2015

3rd Open Science Symposium, pp.23, 2018

한국해양과학기술협의회, pp.20, 2018

International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone -Ocean Interaction in the Northwest Pacific, pp.47, 2023

2019 AGU Fall Meeting, pp.1, 2019

AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, 2023

AGU Fall Meeting 2022, 2022

International Seminar on Ocean Sciences Diplomacy, pp.0, 2016
