해양치유자원의 효능 관련 기존의 연구문헌 분석 KCI

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.author Kim, Choong Gon -
dc.contributor.author Cho, Hyeon-Jin -
dc.date.accessioned 2022-12-05T00:30:05Z -
dc.date.available 2022-12-05T00:30:05Z -
dc.date.created 2022-12-02 -
dc.date.issued 2022-11 -
dc.identifier.issn 2288-1174 -
dc.identifier.uri https://sciwatch.kiost.ac.kr/handle/2020.kiost/43517 -
dc.description.abstract Purpose : Marine therapy is an activity that promotes public health such as constitution improvement, immunity improvement, and anti-aging by utilizing marine therapeutic resources such as seawater, mud, seaweed, salt and sea climate. In Europe developed countries, the marine therapy industry has been developing for centuries, with France, Germany, and Israel leading the way. Currently, it has achieved great industrial achievements and is of great help in improving the human health. The purpose of this study is to investigate how marine therapeutic resources benefit to human health, as well as how to study and utilize their efficacy. We analyzed previous research articles related to the effects of marine therapeutic resources. Methods : The study included a total of 830 published literatures in the last 20 years from the Republic of Korea and other contries. PubMed and Google Scholar were utilized to collect the foreign source while the local scientific publications were accessed through the Korean Education and research Information Service (KERIS) and Korean studies Information Service System (KISS). The keywords used to search foreign literature were “marine therapy”, “Thalassotherapy”, “seawater”, “deep seawater”, “saline groundwater”, “sand therapy”, “mud therapy”, “hydrotherapy”, “seaweed”, “Sun light”, “sea salt”, “marine animal”, and “marine microorganisms” were combined, and for the domestic literature, the keywords were “marine therapy”, “marine therapeutic resources”, “seawater”, and “sand”. Results : A total of 830 research papers were found as a result of searching for domestic and international papers related to marine therapeutic resources. The collected documents were classified into 175 seawater resources, 259 marine mineral resources, 41 marine environment, and 355 marine organisms. The efficacy of each marine therapeutic resources was analyzed. By resources type, there were about 213 papers on the efficacy of seaweed, followed by about 175 papers on seawater, 142 on microorganisms, 124 on mud/peat, and sand, salt, minerals and others are appeared in order (Table 1) Conclusion : Korea has the highest marine biodiversity index, excellent tidal flats, four distinct seasons, and various sea environments of the East sea, Yellow sea, South sea and Jeju sea. For this reason, Korea has a much more diverse marine therapeutic resources than other advanced countries in the marine therapy industry. prebiously, we thought that the sea was only valuable as a shipping port and fishery industry. But now, it been shown that the ocean can become a new industrial field which can contribute to human health and well-being by providing healing and therapy to people through the gift of marine resources. -
dc.description.uri 2 -
dc.language Korean -
dc.publisher 대한통합의학회 -
dc.title 해양치유자원의 효능 관련 기존의 연구문헌 분석 -
dc.title.alternative Comprehensive Literature Study on Efficacy of Marine Therapeutic Resources -
dc.type Article -
dc.citation.endPage 136 -
dc.citation.startPage 121 -
dc.citation.title 대한통합의학회지 -
dc.citation.volume 10 -
dc.citation.number 4 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName 김충곤 -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation 대한통합의학회지, v.10, no.4, pp.121 - 136 -
dc.identifier.doi 10.15268/ksim.2022.10.4.121 -
dc.identifier.kciid ART002897861 -
dc.description.journalClass 2 -
dc.description.isOpenAccess N -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor human health -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor marine therapy -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor marine therapeutic resources -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor medical benefits -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor thalassotherapy -
dc.description.journalRegisteredClass kci -
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Ocean Climate Solutions Research Division > Ocean Climate Response & Ecosystem Research Department > 1. Journal Articles
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