Geophysical and Geochemical Monitoring in the CCS Site, southwestern East Sea of Korea

DC Field Value Language 2020-07-16T07:30:11Z - 2020-07-16T07:30:11Z - 2020-02-11 - 2013-11-06 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract This study was conducted to develop monitoring techniques for the methane and carbon dioxide seepage, and to understand their geochemical interaction with sediments and the overlying water the present state before injection of CO2intoundergroundstorageatthecontinentalshelfareaofKoreaAccording to the onboard observation of the variation of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the incubation chamber, the oxygen consumption rate was larger in sandy mud (8.6 ± 0.3 mmol O2m-2d-1) than in the muddy sand (5.3 ± 0.2 mmol O2 m-2d-1). The methane diffusive flux from sediments to the overlying water was low (0.5 to 10 μmol CH4 m-2d-1). Isotopic composition (δ13C) is from -45.9 ± 0.7 to -76.9 ‰VPDB. Based on the isotopic composition (δ13C) and CH4/(C2H6+C3H8) ratios, the methane was determined as biogenic methane in origin, although not exclusively. Carbon dioxide flux in the sediment-water interface ranged between 32.4 and 92.2 mmol CO2 m-2d-1. The δ13C values of CO2 in the sediments were -1.18 to -1.65 ‰ VPDB. The Gasses (CH4 and CO2) concentration and 13C were showed no significant change in core sediments.The correlation between methane or carbon dioxide release and oxygen demand at the water-sediment interface shows very close relationship and can allow an assessment of a realistic benthic metabolic quotient. This approach will be concerned with geophysical data and will be utilized to accumulate the background informationroundstorageatthecontinentalshelfareaofKoreaAccording to the onboard observation of the variation of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the incubation chamber, the oxygen consumption rate was larger in sandy mud (8.6 ± 0.3 mmol O2m-2d-1) than in the muddy sand (5.3 ± 0.2 mmol O2 m-2d-1). The methane diffusive flux from sediments to the overlying water was low (0.5 to 10 μmol CH4 m-2d-1). Isotopic composition (δ13C) is from -45.9 ± 0.7 to -76.9 ‰VPDB. Based on the isotopic composition (δ13C) and CH4/(C2H6+C3H8) ratios, the methane was determined as biogenic methane in origin, although not exclusively. Carbon dioxide flux in the sediment-water interface ranged between 32.4 and 92.2 mmol CO2 m-2d-1. The δ13C values of CO2 in the sediments were -1.18 to -1.65 ‰ VPDB. The Gasses (CH4 and CO2) concentration and 13C were showed no significant change in core sediments.The correlation between methane or carbon dioxide release and oxygen demand at the water-sediment interface shows very close relationship and can allow an assessment of a realistic benthic metabolic quotient. This approach will be concerned with geophysical data and will be utilized to accumulate the background information -
dc.description.uri 1 -
dc.language English -
dc.publisher Coastal -
dc.relation.isPartOf 22nd CERF 2013 -
dc.title Geophysical and Geochemical Monitoring in the CCS Site, southwestern East Sea of Korea -
dc.type Conference -
dc.citation.conferencePlace US -
dc.citation.endPage 57 -
dc.citation.startPage 57 -
dc.citation.title 22nd CERF 2013 -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation 22nd CERF 2013, pp.57 -
dc.description.journalClass 1 -
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