Complete mitochondrial genome of Sebastes longispinis (Scorpaenidae, Scorpaeniformes) from the East Sea, Korea

DC Field Value Language 장요순 - 이은경 - 김성 - 2020-05-18T05:08:02Z - 2020-05-18T05:08:02Z - 2020-05-18 - 2014-11-28 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract A valid species, Sebastes longispinis, were considered to be incomplete mitochondrial lineages. To find the basic information of mitochondrial lineages history, the complete mitochondrial DNA of S. longispinis were determined by the next-generation sequencing. The complete mitochondrial DNA was 16,445 bp in length, comprised of 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 rRNAs, 22 tRNAs and 1 control region. The complete mitochondrial DNA has 28.0% A, 26.7% T, 17.1% G and 28.3% C, showing a little AT bias (54.6%). The start codon of all PCGs was ATG, except COX1 (GTG). The stop codons in the PCGs were mainly TAA, except ND1 and ND3 (TAG), ND4 (AGA) and Cytb (incomplete termination codon, T). The structure of all tRNAs had a typical cloverleaf form, except tRNASer (AGY) lacked the DHU arm. The complete mitochondrial DNA sequences of S. longispinis can be useful for constructing incomplete mitochondrial lineages within allied species in the Scorpaenidae.neration sequencing. The complete mitochondrial DNA was 16,445 bp in length, comprised of 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 rRNAs, 22 tRNAs and 1 control region. The complete mitochondrial DNA has 28.0% A, 26.7% T, 17.1% G and 28.3% C, showing a little AT bias (54.6%). The start codon of all PCGs was ATG, except COX1 (GTG). The stop codons in the PCGs were mainly TAA, except ND1 and ND3 (TAG), ND4 (AGA) and Cytb (incomplete termination codon, T). The structure of all tRNAs had a typical cloverleaf form, except tRNASer (AGY) lacked the DHU arm. The complete mitochondrial DNA sequences of S. longispinis can be useful for constructing incomplete mitochondrial lineages within allied species in the Scorpaenidae. -
dc.description.uri 1 -
dc.language English -
dc.publisher Informa -
dc.relation.isPartOf Mitochondrial DNA -
dc.title Complete mitochondrial genome of Sebastes longispinis (Scorpaenidae, Scorpaeniformes) from the East Sea, Korea -
dc.type Conference -
dc.citation.conferencePlace UK -
dc.citation.endPage 3 -
dc.citation.startPage 1 -
dc.citation.title Mitochondrial DNA -
dc.contributor.alternativeName 장요순 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName 이은경 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName 김성 -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation Mitochondrial DNA, pp.1 - 3 -
dc.description.journalClass 1 -
Appears in Collections:
East Sea Research Institute > East Sea Environment Research Center > 2. Conference Papers
Ocean Climate Solutions Research Division > Ocean Climate Response & Ecosystem Research Department > 2. Conference Papers
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